CT Scanners
A CT (Computerized Tomography) Scanner is a special kind of X-Ray machine. Instead of sednding out a sigle X-ray through your body as with ordinary X-rays, several beams are sent simultaneously from different angles. CT scans are far more detailed than ordinary X-rays. The information from the two-dimensional computer images can br reconstructed to produce theree-dimensional images by some modern CT scanners.
We have trained engineers on the CT Scanners of GE, Hitachi, Toshiba and others. We provide better solutions for the Scan Centers for the selection of the models of various manufacturers according to their budgets from New system till the refurbishment systems. We work with the customers until they are satisfied with our services.
In Toshiba we are providing refurbished
  • Asteion VP
  • Asteion Super 4
  • Activion 16
  • Alexion 4
  • Alexion 16&
  • Aquilion 64.